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Ordering at Rearz has never been easier, we now accept recurring orders!

Here’s how it works:
Select products will feature the option to order products depending on the frequency that suits you best, you can do a one-time purchase or select to have subscription setup based on your needs. With this you will never need to worry about ordering again as your next shipment will automatically be placed and shipped to your door. You can even manage your subscription at any time in your online account under the "Subscriptions" tab.

You’ll also receive notifications before your order ships and once it’s processed. Plus, once your order is on its way, you’ll receive tracking information just like any other order.

We’ve made it as easy as possible to manage your subscriptions, but if you have any questions or need assistance setting things up, our team is here to help! We have automated emails setup to notify if any changes have been made, issues with the order, or updates needed for payment but our team will also be watching things closing to insure the best experience for our customers.

The new recurring payment system will not work with Paypal, or sezzle. You can only checkout with a valid credit card. Our team can only provided limited support on setup as the order does need to be placed with your online account directly on the website.

Due to the new system store credits no longer function properly, if you have a remaining store credit we would be happy to provide you with a coupon credit to be used on a future order or if you order you can reach out for a refund on your order for the value of the store credit.